This is my 296th post here! So I thought that joining in with the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway day would be a good celebration for reaching the big 300!
So here it is! A little hand made boxy pouch filled with bathtime goodies - all hand made by me ofcourse. The pouch itself is made from lovely linen salvaged from a pair of Laura Ashely trousers. In the pouch there is a large bar of soap containing calendula petals with a fresh citrusy scent made from a blend of pure essential oils of orange, patchouli, may chang, lemon, and orange blossom. There is also a calendula tea bag, and a small bag of bath salts made from pure sea salt scented with another blend of essential oils which includes patchouli, vanilla, and ylang ylang. It smells very exotic and luxurious. Perfect for a pamper!
Calendula petals come from the Pot Marigold plant (Calendula officinalis). The saponins and mucilage in calendula petals have humectant properties which means that it can draw moisture into the skin and for that reason it is beneficial for dehydrated, dry, irritated and delicate skin. Calendula can soothe skin inflamations and help heal damaged tissues where the skin is broken. For this reason it is often used in preparations used to treat dry skin conditions such as exema. It is anti-inflammatory with antiseptic properties.
You can make Calendula oil by steeping the petals in almond or jojoba oil and leaving on a sunny windowsill for 2 or 3 weeks. A stronger infusion can be made by straining the petals and adding new ones after a week or two. It is important the the petals are dried before steeping otherwise the oil will harbour bacteria and go off. You can use the oil as an ingredient in soap, lotions and balms.
You can also put Calendula petals straight into the bath. I make a 'teabag' from net or muslin and just put it in the bath while it is running.
My calendula soap is made by hand with coconut oil, olive oil and palm oil. It feels very luxuriant to use and does not leave your skin feeling dry and taught like commercial soap can. Partly this is because handmade soap retains the glycerin that is made during the saponification process. Glycerin is another humectant which is beneficial for skin hydration and which is removed from commercial soap and sold off as a by product.
To enter this giveaway, please leave a comment on this post - this giveaway is open to everyone. I will do the draw in 4 days time on 31 May with the random number generator. Good luck!
1 – 200 of 253 Newer› Newest»Ooooh, yes please, I want to be all soft and citrus smelling!!
I love Marigold, it was all over the yard in the house I grew up in. I would LOVE this soap.
Me! Me! Me! Me!
I used to buy calendula lotion from the Body Shop in the days when I believed it was still ethical. It was v good on dry and sore skin.
That sounds far to good to resist Julia. I would love to be included please! Thanks for the links on your last post - very interesting!
gosh that calendula sounds like it has magical properties xxxx
How can I resist...temptation wrapped in a lovely pouch. Ooh!
How lovely! I would love to have some of this wonderful-sounding soap.
These look lovely!! With any luck might help with my flaky knees and elbows before i have to expose them to the public!!
Count me in!!!
T xxx
I feel terribly greedy since I have already had a bar of your lovely soap - but yes please, do enter me!
Wow I remember when you began your soap journey, looks really good!!
I'm growing calendula, probably not enough to make soap with though!
That soap looks gorgeous and I bet it smells fab too :-)
That looks wonderful - almost too pretty to use x
well done you for getting so far! 300 posts - I can't even dream of that.
Oh! How wonderful! They look absolutely delicious.
Can't pass up a chance to be in this giveaway. Well done for heading towards the 300!
Julia, that is so very generous and such fab smelling soap. congrats on 300 posts too.
wow 300 posts! I can only imagine that many! congrats.
Its been wonderful coming along with you on your soap making journey, you now seem such an authority on it. It looks beatiful. and I bet smells wonderful. count me in on your giveaway.
Congratulations on your 300 posts Julia - I haven't even made 200, but mine are each the length of War and Peace, so that's not surprising.
Don't enter me in the giveaway - I have won far too many, although I must admit it is very tempting with the prize you are offering!
Here's to many more posts - your blog is fantastic.
love this. i am already dreaming of the bath to come!
i've always wanted to try soapmaking, your soap is beautiful!
Thanks for the chance. What great soaps.
This is an exciting giveaway...I love calendula, and bath goodies are wonderful :)
wow! it smell good;)
Fun give-away!
MMMMM, ymmmy stuff! Now back to reading your blog.....
Love it. I noticed patchouli and was sold!
Wow, this sounds so luxurious!
Your soap looks good enough to eat, I would love to try it!...Congratulations on the first 300, looking forward to the next 300....
finally! a soap giveaway! woo hoo! :)
GREAT giveaway! Hope I win! Thanks for being generous!
Yehudim at aol dot com
Great giveaway Julia, count me in on the way to your 300!
Wow okay I thought I saw some talened people but this is serious, wow!
Oooh what a nice gift. I would use it for myself, of course. How kind of you. Thank you.
Yes please, love citrus scents!!
This giveaway looks WONDERFUL, and I'll be coming back for the invisible zipper tutorial yeah!
Well done on your nearly 300 posts. Don't enter me in the giveawy though Julia, I keep winning things :)
Twiggy x
So much neat stuff!!! This would make your home into a spa. How neat that you can do all that. The homemade bath items are so much better and I bet these would be stupendous. Thanks!!!!
Oh my goodness, this may be my favorite giveaway offering yet. I love that you are using recycled items in your projects, and I'm a sucker for anything bath/body related. Pick me!!! leafygreenes at gmail dot com
I love Marigolds. My grandmother used to make a calendula cream for when we bruised or grazed our knees!
I have my fingers crossed. I hope I win your lovely soap.
What a wonderful giveaway, thanks for offering it!
Oh I want to win this one!! I love homemade soaps!!
These look like they would be pure bliss to use. Thank you for offering them!
it smells good all the way over here! *grin*
Ooooh count me in too please! I'm growing calendulas for the first time this year!
Lucy x
Just what I need - a bit of pampering!
Thanks for the chance to win!
all i can say is YUMMY! ...oh, and thanks for the chance! :o)
Wow, those look divine!
And what's even better than your giveaway is that you shared with us how to make our own calendula oil. I am definitely going to give this a try!!
I need a good excuse to soak in the bath instead of my usual mad dash in the shower!
T x
what a treat to bathe in luxury... i'd love to be the winner of this giveaway. thanks!
Yes please - sounds delicious!
Anne x
Oh yes!! Fresh smelling soap!! :)
Here is my giveaway:
It all looks wonderful!
Oh cool. Sounds like a super relaxing giveaway.
Oh, you made it sound like I have to have this soap! Thanks for the chance to win.
I would love the pampering!
Ohh that would be so lovely to win! How relaxing!!!! Beautifully done!
Thanks for the headsup! I feel relaxed and luxurious just reading about that soap, let alone actually using it. So please, enter me in the draw, as you know how I feel about soap :)
And congrats on the big 30 - 0. I won't say how many posts I've racked up - one or two more than that, but then, I talk a lot, LOL
I love homemade soap!! I love patchouli so much..when i wear it my bf tells me i smell like dirt haha!
Lovely! I hope to win!
your soap is beautiful, too! I hope I get to try it!
Wow - great giveaway! I would love to try your soap! I only use natural because of my sensitive skin :)
Oh how beautiful. I have really dry skin so I try to only use handmade soap or soap free shower gel. I would love to win this!
awesome giveaway! I could use some pampering!
Gorgeous soaps, great giveaway! This would be a very welcome addition to my bath. Thanks =)
What a lovely giveaway! This soap sounds gorgeous.
Handmade soap is wonderful. Thanks for the chance.
wow, amazing giveaway! i would love these luxury items! i just had a newborn 3 weeks ago and the bath is my only little alone me time these days. :)
That sounds fantastic!
please me I need no I WANT to win
I love love LOVE handmade bath goodies. This all sounds and looks so wonderful. Thank you for such a fab giveaway! xo
Your prize sounds yummy. I need some pampering.
this looks amazing. i didn't know how beneficial natural ingredients could be!
Lovely and very generous giveaway. Fingers crossed!!
Yay, I'd love to be part of your giveaway!
Mmmm...can smell it from here!
i can almost smell them looking at the pictures! sounds wonderful!
mmmm that's exciting! I'd love some :)
What a great giveaway!
Mmmmm! Relaxation here I come ;). Thanks for the giveaway!
Your soap looks divine! It would be the perfect excuse to spend take a nice long bath, rather than my hurried 5 minute showers! Thanks for a great giveaway!
I love calendula. where do you buy the dry leaves? I'd love to steep some in my bath.
I have found cream with calendula is the only thing that heals my daughters excame would love to try something else.
Great giveaway. Love your blog!
I never knew! This is amazing. I wold be so honored.
That bag of goodies looks amazing! As a new mom, those few precious minutes of bath-time pampering can really make my day.
I'm glad you mentioned the teabag was for in the tub-- I would have steeped it for a nice hot drink. ;)
ooohh that sounds so nice! Thanks for sharing :)
That soap looks amazing! I love Marigolds - they are such a happy flower, and their healing properties for the skin just make them even better.
I'd love to win this. I only use natural product on my skin.
Yummy, I love homemade bathroom goodies. Especially when they're as pretty as this!
wow - all those smells sound so lovely, i get really dry skin during winter and it sounds perfect :-) count me in!
The soap sounds amazing!
I love this giveaway! very pretty and yummy smelling I bet!
These are very cool!
Thanks for doing the giveaway!
Cassie Driver
Would love to win this!
Wow! Your post is so informative! I think reading about your soaps is itself relaxing. :)
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your giveaway!!! Calendula is awesome!
I'd love to enter your giveaway, please - I love calendula and have made salve with it, but I've yet to tackle soapmaking.
Ooohhh yum! I can see my kids eagerly hopping into the bath if I was to put calendula petals into their bath bombs.
Just looking at all this stuff makes me feel warm and fuzzy!
Wow! That soap sounds AMAZING!!
Please count me in! Thank you so much for your generosity! samjerus[at]yahoo.com
good grief i am number 106!
but i would still love to try some!
This giveaway is great ! Please pick me :) Thank you !
Man, the competition is HOT for your beautiful wares!
Mmm yummy goodies! Thank you! I'm gonna bookmark your blog too.
Join my giveaway too. Lots of goodies up for grabs!
Mmmm, I love yummy soaps and they look devine, I can almost smell it from here :)
Omigod - this soap sounds absolutely gorgeous - I would love it! Fingers crossed.
What an amazing giveaway!! I'm entering here, hoping for luck! :D
mmmm! i can smell it now!
enter my giveaway too!
Apparently calendula tea is also good as an astringent. I used it for a while as a teenager for my my pimples. It worked well but after a while not so well. Calendula petals are also great in salads. I would love to win a relaxing giveaway like this.
I want that soap. I love your chickens :) no seriously - I really wish I lived somewhere that I could have chickens.... but I don't think they would allow them in my apartment.
Great giveaway!! Who dosen't like to be pampered & smelling great!
Thank you for the chance to win!!
Wonderful giveaway...
There's nothing nicer than handmade soap. Count me in.
This soap looks fantastic!
Thank you for the giveaway!
your giveaway is beautiful, I can almost feel "zen" when reading your description !
What a cool gift set! I never knew that's what calendula was!
Soap that I can use! Yeah!
This sounds so wonderful! I feel a long bath drawing near! ;)
Stop by my blog to register for my giveaways. :)
ooh, my kids and husband are eczema-troubled and would love this!
I've never heard of this type of soap before, but I'd love to try it. I love citrus smells. It is one of the few smells I can stand while I'm pregnant. :-)
That looks like great soap! Your description sold me! LOL!
That all looks wonderful! I am excited to peruse your blog :)
I LOVE calendula products. All the lotions I use for my kids and myself have it in them. Thanks for the chance to win.
ooh...calendula smells so good...yes. pick me! :)
Lovely giveaway, please add me to the drawing! I am also so making your lemon curd recipe! I had no idea it was so easy (ha ha...famous last words...). Great blog!
Fabulous! I love the smell of patchoulli!
Oh My Gosh...I am SO in need of pampering! Does this include a lock for the bathroom door? -smile-
I love handmade soap. Thanks for the giveaway!
Okay, you talked me into it! Sign me up!
My skin is calling out to this prize!!!!!!
it all looks lovely!
I am learning so much today!
Thanks for a chance to win! :)
Oh my goodness, I am drooling big time here! I hope this comes to my house in the mail.
These are so amazing! Citrus is my FAV scent. Hope I win! Thanks!
I don't just want this, I need this, lol! I never get to bathe alone. My toddler daughter always crawls in the bath with me, so all I ever get is Mr. Bubble. It would be nice to have an adult product bath!
Lovely! Thanks for participating!
Calendula is sooo great on the skin. Your soap looks delicious.
I would love to win this calendula package - thanks!
I've only recently become infatuated with handmade soaps, they really are so luxorious (sp??? lol) and yours look so beautiful, I think it would be a decor for a long while first :)
Thanks for sharing your handmade goodies. fingers crossed I win!
love, marie
Me me me!! Although I have to shamefacedly admit that until I read your blog, I thought calendula was a proprietary cream for thrush....I'll get me coat shall I? x
Hmmm.... A very nice giveaway! =) Smelling so nice..
thanks for those great directions - I have am trying to grow marigolds in my garden along with the vegetables!
I hope my number is generated:)
Those look lovely!! I love bath goodies!
Damn, I have just had to scroll down so far that I'm sure in real terms the same distance would equate to my own height in real life! I see my odds of winning are tiny....but I would love some of your scrumptious looking soap, so please enter me into your drawer. x
Lovely giveaway!!!
Wahoo! Looks like the perfect thing for pampering oneself.
I love soap. Please sign me up.
I would love to try the calendula soap. It looks great!
Thanks a lot and please count me in.
Such a generous and lovely giveaway. I never treat myself to something like this--so I would enjoy winning.
And I love your tutorials. I'll be back to read more. Thank you,
Yum! I would love this! Calendula is the best!
I just love the smell of Ylang Ylang and everything looks luscious!
I think I would love this soap.
Lovely package!
I fear for your sanity as you negotiate this giveaway in your fevered state! Feel better!
I love that your giveaway is centered around calendula - this has become a staple in my regimen ever since my mom touted its benefits to me. Everything you're including sounds divine!
I love anything citrussy! I would love to win these! Please count me in! thank you!!!
This sounds so lovely!
Oh my goodness! I would love to try that soap. It looks beautiful and I am sure it feels and smells even better.
I'd love to try the soap I'm always looking for new soap!
i am imagining myself in the bath now...
If only my monitor had Smell-O-Vision! Thanks for the chance to win!
Oh, nothing I like better than handmade soaps and soaks...it so cool!
Thanks for having the giveaway...
nhsarab at yahoo dot com
What a lovely giveaway. I can almost smell the soap by your description!
Oh I really must win this, it sounds devine!! If I do win, maybe my boys can pretend it is from them since they forgot me on Mothers Day!
Your Giveaway is just gorgeous, thank you for offering it :D
x Mel
wow - this looks really wonderful - i'd love to try these things.
Wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
Wow, this sounds like heaven! Thanks so much for the generous and lovely giveaway! ❤
I love citrus fragrance for my soaps! Crossing my fingers that my number is pulled.
I love, love, love handmade soaps and would feel honored to win these goodies.
Calendula never ceases to amaze me!
Fantastic bath set. Count me in! :) Thanks for this.
I would love to win this, I have sensitive skin and this would be so nice!
ooo This sound just to good and just perfect for that relaxing bath thanks for the chance
wow, you obviously take great pride in your work.
I love calendula and have been using it on my daughter's sensitive skin.
thanks for sharing
I learn sooo much just by reading this post. I'll have to stick around for awhile!
I would love this set. :)
I never knew this about humectants and calendula! It would be perfect for me and my terrible skin.
Thanks for having the giveaway!
*fingers crossed*
Thanks for that wonderful bit of information. I've been wondering about how one goes about making their own soap since we went to a hotel with this delicious hand made soap. I'm betting yours would be absolutely heavenly!
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Hugs & Blessings!
I'd LOVE to win your giveaway! Right now my skin is so dry and itchy, it's making me nuts! Ok, more nuts ...
Thank you for the chance to win.
OMG... You have one of the best give away prizes I have seen ever!!! We're having a give away too!!
xo Steph
What a lovely treat this would be. I'd love to see what homemade soap is like. And the calendula would be useful to try for my son's excema.
wow! it smells good;)
Mmm, your giveaway bundle looks so good! And thank you for the little 'lesson' too - so interesting to someone who has no idea about herbs and soaps :)
I love soap and bathtime goodies!
I love calendula -- thanks for a great giveaway!
Your soap sounds just delicious!!And perfect for my dry skin - thanks for such a great give-away!
Susan G
i bet that smells so good!!
shay at nathyoung dot com
Awesome giveaway... I have my fingers crossed!
Wow! What an amazing giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win!
Everything sounds amazing! I've never tried calendula anything and I'm so hoping I win!
Love the giveaway. It sounds like it smell fantastic!
I could so use stuff to pamper especially today twins got up at six and they are cranky!!!
I love homemade bath goodies! Especially calendula, what an awesome plant. I also like that you repurpose fabrics.
Please enter me in your drawing and thank you very much!
Wow, i'd love to win! I love patchouli.
I didn't know the healing properties of calendula. I've grown some before, they are a happy flower. I have psoriasis and cellulitus when the skin is very tender and inflamed. Maybe this would help me?
Oooh lovely!!! My skin is definitely dry and dehydrated!
sounds like the perfect way to pamper myself after having a baby. abby
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