Friday, 17 April 2009

Alright Guv'

Remember this post? It seems like an age ago, but I am now happy to report that ...

This is Mr Marmalade's old rank marking

And this is his new one

They look like wheels dont they? Apparently they are "Impellas" . An Impella sounds like it should be a small bouncy deer from the plains or South Africa or Kenya, perhaps with strange markings and long spikey horns. But actually, an Impella, is the inside of a fire engine pump. Mr Marmalade did explain the mechanism to me, but I can never understand anything beyond the hose bit ....

And just incase my message isn't clear enough, what with cute leaping deer and firemen's hoses getting in the way..



But then I always knew he would.

Champagne anyone?


dottycookie said...

Yay! Well done to your clever man!

Twiggy said...

Well done Mr M!!! drinks all round, as long as you're not on duty of course :)
twiggy x

Anne said...

Well done Mr Marmalade!

Diane said...

Congratulations to Mr Marmalade. Is that you in the glass or Dita Von Teese - I cant tell the difference these days!!

Fabric and Bags said...

Congratulations and well done to Mr Marmalade

Anne x

Locket Pocket said...

Brilliant news! Congratulations Mr Marmalade!

Lucy x

Gina said...

Congratulations Mr Marmalade! Well done... hope you're celebrating.

Pink Feather Paradise said...

well done Mr Marmalade...

x Alex

Gone to Earth said...

Brilliant news and congratulations to Mr Marmalade. All that work has paid off and now it's time to celebrate.

Daisie said...

I told you firemen were good at climbing ladders!!

Many congratulations!!

Drink my champagne for me, think it may leak in an envelope!


Kate North said...

Well done to Mr M :)

Veronica Darling said...

Yay! What a legend!

Indigo Blue said...


Anonymous said...

Nice work on the accumulation of impellas! Very impressive.

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Congrats to Mr. Marmalade!

Loved how you linked it all together ;o)

driftwood said...

congrats Mr Marmalade !!

Anonymous said...

WOOHOO! I knew he would be fine... If I can do it.... (although he is now several ranks higher so I dare say his was a lot harder than mine!!)


jennyflowerblue said...

Great news! Well done indeed. xx

Jane Le Galloudec said...

YAY.!!!!!! Well done Mr M!!!! And now I know what an Impella is ... I shall have to try and drop that into some clever conversation...

Anonymous said...

Congrats to your hubby!
I bet you're so proud :)
Next round of drinks on me!

Kitty said...

Hooray! Hurrah! Congratulations Mr M! You must be so pleased ... hope you both enjoy the Champagne. x

The Coffee Lady said...

don't mind if I do have a glass... well done Mr M!

angharad handmade said...

Congrats to Mr M - hope you enjoy the celebrations! x