Good greif! I wasn't expecting 257 entries to my giveaway!! I wish I had 257 bars of soap and the funds to be able to post one out to every single one of you. But unfortunately, I haven't yet developed an empire, so one prize, one envelope is what it's got to be.
The random generator picked number 8!
and I am therefore pleased to announce that the winner is (drumroll) ...
Knitaddict who's blog is Time for T

Apart from the fact that her extremities will now be fabulously smooth for the summer, I'm very pleased that this lady has won as her's is a new blog, and what better introduction could she have to the fantastic world of the blogosphere, than to win a giveaway. I hope she likes it!
Mr Marmalade and I were struck down late last week with what must be one of the most evil bugs of all time. It made our legs, skins and backs ache and turned our brains to mush (luckily no sneezing though!!). Today is the first day I feel quite compis mentis, and so due to being mostly horiziontal and asleep since Thursday, I think I only managed to enter a couple of giveaway's myself!
TYVM for the chance to win!
CONGRATS to Knitaddict!!
Gutted that I missed your giveaway - Hope you feel better soon. xx
Congratulations to Knitaddict - hope you are fully better soon. Lucy x
Hope you're well on the road to recovery now!
What a shame that you have been unwell. Hope you are on the mend soon.
Hope you're feeling 100% soon. x
Hope you're soon on the mend!!! Well done Knitaddict, Julia makes the best soap ever!!
Twiggy x
ooh poor you, hope you are much better soon
I hope you feel better soon! Congratulations knitaddict =)
oh, get better soon! I am lurking around here looking at your muesli recipe, having thrown a huge strop and refused to buy any more damn Cheerios EVER AGAIN
children however are eating the fresh fruit off the top of Gordon Ramsey's muesli recipe before looking perplexedly at the contents of their bowls
I won??? Pardon??? I WON!!!!
(Follow cartwheels around the garden, ahem I wish!!!) I NEVER win anything!!!! Thanks sooo much!!
Very excited!!! (can you tell!!!)
Tia xxx
well done to knitaddict! and hope you and mr mk are feeling better, too.
Gosh! That bug sounded really awful. Hope you both feel much better soon.
ewww! Hope you feel better soon.
Love the random number generator. I was going to do a giveaway sometime in the next 100 years and had no idea how to do it. and now I do!
That's an incredible amount of contestants for your giveaway--wow! I was sorry to miss out on the fun. Congrats to Knitaddict. Fun to catch up with you here now we're just back from our trip. So sorry you've been under the weather though...Hope you will be well very soon. Be taking good care...((HUGS))
Wow! What a lot of folk joining in. congratulations to Knitaddict. I bet she's thrilled... and I hope her extremeities will be very happy!
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