I have been exceptionally naughty through business and illness, not to have acknowledged some awards i've been getting. Ladies, I apologise deeply! It's always nice to receive an award and to read the lovely comments that go with them and I can't bear to be thought of as ungrateful for not acknowledging them in a more timely manner. So here goes...
Mummy Boo Bear of Stitchery Pokery gave me this award back in March (!!!!). It's for a blog which gives "great attitude". Thankyou! I like to be a bit bold and a bit different with my blogging so this is much appreciated.
In May, Alex of Pink Feather Paradise awarded this to me for "helpful hints, tips and a blog which is always fresh and interesting". Awwww... Thank you Alex! This is exactly what I aim to do so I'm glad you're finding it so! I hope others are too.
Also in May came this award from Julia over at Primrose Corner. It's for 'friendship'. Julia and I correspond and tweet often - we seem to have a lot in common and have shared many a rant about the state of life, the universe and everything. Thankyou Julia, your bloggy friendship is also greatly valued and enjoyed by me.
And just the other day, Andrea over at Indigo Blue awarded me this because she says, my blog (amongst others ofcourse!) makes her smile. Andrea, your blog makes me smile too, it was one of the first blogs I read when I started out on this blogging journey and I always find something inspiring there.
I currently have 129 blogs on my Bloglines blogroll, including all of those on the sidebar over there to the right (I think it needs updating!) and in addition to many of the blogs which I 'follow' through Blogger. I may not get time to comment on all of them, but rest assured, if you're reading mine, i'm reading yours and having lots of fun doing so. Frankly, I find real life blogs much more interesting than magazines, and would choose my Bloglines (etc.,) over any ladies magazine, any day and so I would pass all of these awards on to all of you - take your pick!
Now if there was an award for "Most Intrepid Traveller of the Year", I would award it to BillieJane over at Technobillies. You must go and read all about her adventures right away. She, and some other professional soap making ladies, have taken their lives into their hands, and travelled to one of the most dangerous places in the world to teach Nigerian ladies how to make soap in order to make a living for themselves and their families. They returned a few days ago, and BillieJane has been dutifully updating her blog each day with her stories. It's a rivitting read I can tell you, and i'm waiting every day with baited breath for the next instalment.
Gosh Julia... thanks for the plug! I hope everyone feels the same about the blog as you do... just to whet your appetite further... its the story of the tailor tomorrow and at the very end I have a 'giveaway from Port Harcourt' to.. well... giveaway!
I liken blog reading to magazine reading. And as I don't do TV I liken the internet to it. Blogs are about up to date trends because they are what real people are doing now and they don't cost a penny (only time!)
Congrats on all the lovely awards, Julia! I feel the same way. A magazine can be fun, but blogging and real life are much more inspiring! :o) Happy Day ((HUGS))
Lovely awards...I'm with you on the magazine thing. Blogs seem so much more 'real' world somehow. Real issues, real people and consequently seem more meaningful. They (the blogs) don't seem to have had the 'person' editied out like magazine articles... Does that make any sense at all ? I'm not sure I've explained myself very well.
well done, you blog winner you! I often tell people that blogs are my magazines.
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