
Monday, 10 August 2009

A Bowl of Sunshine

After feeling thoroughly snogged by the sun this weekend (as opposed to kissed), we are now back to default rain.

Luckily,  I have these to remind me.  Gathered from the roadside, deliciously sweet and juicy yellow plums.  I fear that eating them all as is, might result in a few unscheduled trips to youknowwhere, but other than that, I have absolutely no idea what to do with them.  Any ideas?


  1. Beauiful plums... I would be the one eating them all and "running" to the powder about plum cobbler, cake or jelly... happy plumming...

  2. ohh lovely~eat them and hang the consequences!
    plum upside down cake? yum!

  3. Looks like I'm not the only one trying to bring a little sun inside!

  4. Plum cake (Nigel Slater has an excellent recipe), crumble, jam...??? What a gorgeous colour they are!

  5. Plum crumble with custard - yummy. Make several and freeze for a taste of summer in the depths of winter.

  6. gasp... they look gorgeous.

    What about plum chutney. Yum. I have to say I always turn to chutneys in a glut. I like the look of this one:


  7. I agree with the crumble idea... love crumble with custard... or pop over to Leannes blog she had some just like that and made all sort with them

    enjoy them, and we had rain yesterday... today is looking brighter...

    x Alex

  8. What about Plum Vodka sorry to resort to alchol but I have just made rosehip vodka and my sister has made plum brandy can't wait to try them.

  9. I am another chutney fan. I have a really nice recipe for a plum and apple chutney... poke me for it if you are interested. Plums in brandy is also a favourite... and then just freeze the rest after you have stoned them ready for crumbles through the winter :-) x

  10. Have you ever made any of HF-W's patented rhubarb cocktails (you pour the syrup off a pan of stewed rhubarb and use it as the base for cocktails)? Anyway, he reckons you could do exactly the same with plums. Plum bellini sounds like a cool plan, especially if the sun manages to peek out again this 'summer'.

  11. Hi,
    I would go with all of the sugfestions you may need to go back and get some more!!

  12. Sorry about the spelling, got asked a question by Sophie and hit the wrong button!

  13. I've never had yellow plums :( but I bet they'd make a delicious jam!


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