
Saturday, 19 September 2009

To a Special Friend

All the best things happen in September and today is no exception ... today 20 years ago that is, because today 20 years ago, is not only the day I arrived in Oxford, but also the day that I met my dearest friend on earth, known here as The Italian Connection - who had also arrived in Oxford on that day. We were by some curious twist of fate, assigned as room mates at college ...

This is us then, she's 18, i'm 20

We were bridesmaids at eachother's weddings

We've had more fun days and nights out than you can shake a pint of larger at

And no matter how bad I feel, or how far apart we live these days, she cheers me up as if she were a bottle of "happy tonic" - I've missed her terribly since she moved to Italy but a laugh is the closest distance between two people so they say, and I feel blessed that we still have plenty of those.

Here's to the next 20 years Paula!
I'm so very very lucky to have you as my best friend.


  1. The road to a friend's house is never far!

  2. What would we do without that one friend who understands everything? all the special friend out there, near and far...Hugs

  3. How lucky you were to be given the same room at college and to have really liked each other! Sharing a room is often a good reason NOT to get on!!!!

    Lucy x

  4. Awwww, what a lovley happy post!

  5. How wonderful to be "assigned" your best friend forever! I say there must have been some divine intervention in that matchup.

  6. What a great's not often you find a great friend like that!

    p.s. love the first pic...soooo 1989! :o)

  7. You are so lucky to have found each other. xx

  8. Friends of the heart-spirit are never far, always close :o) What a sweet, happy post, Julia. Long-time friendships are often the sweetest. So glad you have such a great friend in your life. ((HUGS))

  9. That's lovely Julia. I read somewhere once that good friends are the family we would choose for ourselves :)
    Twiggy x

  10. Hooray to friendship! My bf and I have been friends for 19 years, does that make me feel old? No way! It makes my life even more special to have her in it!

  11. What a great post. You are so lucky.

    Jo xx


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