
Tuesday, 1 September 2009

As Good as Chocolate

I'm still stuck to Mr Site who really is behaving extremely badly!! However, though it took the best part of a day and a half, I have added 2 more pages to my shop, and these are for "separates" - fabric, bones, & various bits of haberdashery, and also for patterns.

Anyway, I took a break between jobs today and counted up the competition entrants. There were 15 people who had either put a link on their blog to Sew Curvy, or who had fanned me on Facebook, or both. So that 15 includes a few double entries.

I put all 15 names into my favourite tin, put the lid on, shook it all about, took the lid back off, and then picked a name. It's amazing how nervous one can feel when doing that!

And so I am extremely pleased to announce that the winner is .....

Jane, please pick a kit from the website, and let me know where to send it!

THANK YOU to everyone who helped me out. Because of you, I had loads of traffic to my site, and got to page 1 of the Google searches!


  1. Congrats to Crazy Jane - and I have to say the idea of making one of your corsets one of these days is motivating me to stick to my diet for a little while longer ...

  2. Congratulations to Crazy Jane - wasn't part of the deal to model the corset once made....?!!

    So glad you're getting traffic to your site. You deserve it after all your hard work.

  3. WHAT?!!!! Can I model it over my PJ'S?
    I am so happy, I'm doing a dance and smiling at the same time!!! I'm getting over excited and will have to go sit down and have a G&T.

    who am I kidding ? I don't need an excuse!

  4. It's all very exciting and vicarious, this business, seeing as I can't sew to save my life.


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