
Friday, 25 March 2011

New new beginnings..

Old desk complete with big Mac and Dalek
This week I left my day job.  I enjoyed the last two years, it could be said that it's the best job - or at least the best boss - I ever had, and it was very sad to leave him and my lovely collegues some of whom were into sewing!.  Can you see the pile of books over on the far side of the desk?  They were my leaving pressie, 3 beautiful corsetry books, and also the Dita von Teese "Art of Burlesque" book.  Lots of inspiration in there!

Last time I left a day job was 4 years ago when I had what I thought was a perfect job - the job I always wanted, but unfortunately, it transpired, it came with the worst boss in the world.  Avery nasty piece of work, universally despised by all who meet her, but  in a position of power and after 4 years of being bullied by her to the point where she made it impossible for me to do my job, I was unable to work, physically or mentally, and it took a long time for me to recover... I am not sure if I am fully recovered even now!

New desk!
Happily, things are VERY different this time round and very very exciting!  I have a whole new purpose and direction, everything seems to have fallen right into place as if it was all meant to be,  and when I returned home from my last day at 'work',  I received my first signed client contract and deposit - so I know it's REAL!  My client is a bride, and I am ridiculously excited to be working with her.

New work mate.  Good company, doesn't say alot
So....  It's full steam ahead with Sew Curvy for which I have big plans, book writing and corset making  ... with lots of sowing and growing in my spare time.  

I feel like it's going to be a good summer.


  1. Good luck in your new venture , exiting times lay ahead :-))

  2. Oh well done Julia and good luck with it all x

  3. Wishing you lots of luck and lots of clients!

  4. Well done - you deserve it. Been there, done that with the bullying boss - hope they reap what they sow. xxxx

  5. Oh fantastic, that is great Julia! Good luck, I'm sure you'll do well :) x

  6. Yay, how fantastic! All the best!!

  7. Wishing you a huge success in your new beginnings Julia.

  8. Good luck Julia, not that you'll need it :)
    Twiggy x

  9. This is such wonderful news. Wishing you lots and lots of luck!

  10. How exciting! Good luck and ENJOY it!

  11. Best of luck Julia. it is a big decision to leave a stable job and perhaps a little scary too. The sun seemed to be shining too so that is a good sign in itself.

    Take care and I shall be keen to see how you 'grow' Sew Curvy.

  12. You are an absolute inspiration and I wish you only the best. I am so excited for you and I hope everything works out as you wish.
    I own a singer 201k thanks to your recommendation, she is clean and beautiful thanks to your instructions, and now I am going to leave my dream job with the worst boss in the world and know it will all work out! Hooray for you!

  13. Best of luck, Julia.
    A very exciting time ahead for you.

  14. WOW! Good luck Julia! Hope all is well in your new adventure!

  15. Congrats on the new venture! It's got to be daunting leaving work like that, but how exciting that you are following your dream!

    So this bride...she's not Kate Middleton is she? LOL

  16. Good luck with the new venture. I also left my job at the beginning of the year due to bullying and I understand what you were going through as it saps you completely. I hope all goes well and will be rooting for you as I also started a new venture myself and I'm just finding my feet now.

  17. Thank you all for the lovely wishes! :)

  18. Wishing you well in your new venture! It must feel so exciting to be working for yourself full time! x

  19. :) Good luck. Did you get custody of the Dalek?

  20. Congratulations on going it alone and very good luck in your new venture. I had an epiphany moment at work last Monday and handed in my notice. It felt like a huge release! Previous to that I had had an intense 5 years with a soul draining boss so I felt for you when I read your story. I hope to do some temping and fit in my creative work and some studying around looking after my family. Best wishes x

  21. Congratulations Julia, so great that you are taking this big step and i'm sure there will be many great things for you in the future.

  22. I'm taking an online bustier class that starts tomorrow. Is that the same technique as a corset?

  23. Thanks for the good wishes everyone! It's all very exciting and I will be sure to keep you all posted. :)

  24. @Justine. Hi Justine. No. A corset is quite a specialised item and I cant think of any item of clothing (except for a bra perhaps) that is similar. It's all to do with compression..

  25. best of luck! sounds brilliant!


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