I had a bit of a shock this weekend which put me right off track and as I was home alone and it was that time of the month, my little world disintegrated into what I call Muffin Mixture for a while (a loosely held together mess). Luckily, my friend Richard put on is suit of armour, mounted his white steed and came to my rescue, moving mountains and putting aside his own life to come to my aid. Later on for a bit of fun during an online conversation, we played the Flickr mosaic game I found on Domesticali. My mosaic didn't quite work - thanks to aforementioned status - but his was great, so I thought i'd post it instead of mine, in his honour. And if you get a chance, do look at his link above, he has just started putting his wonderful art out into the wider world. It's only taken 4 years to persuade him. Thank you Richard, you are a Friend Indeed!
That's a worrying little post, are you o.k? Hope the dissected octopus is not symbolic of your inner turmoil.....not a good indication! Hope things are brighter today, let me know if you need any real muffins sending! xxxxx
Ah yes, that little game ruined my plan of an early night!
My mosaic wasn't as, erm, interesting as your friend's!
Hope you're feeling better now - please feel free to come and bang on the door at any time. xxx
Hope you are doing better now...and your world is shining a little brighter :o) You mosaic looks great, I think! ((HUGS))
I hope everything's okay.
That flickr thing looks fun - I might just have to join in!
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