The most surreal thing about the day was not so much meeting "strangers" that I already seem to know quite well through their blogs, but seeing the children who appear on those blogs in real life! It was a bit like when you see someone from the TV! And of course they all have 'real' names which was a bit difficult to keep up with!
I was very nervous at the thought of suddenly arriving at the designated meeting point (at Millets Farm Centre near Abingdon), and introducing myself but on the way from the carpark, I bumped into one familiar looking lady ... there was a bit of squinting and "do I know you?" type of looking, and then the moment of "ahhhhhh yes! I know who you are!" It was Moogsmum! Soon afterwards, everyone was assembled and we found a nice patch of grass near the play area, opposite the animals and directly beneath the blazing sun and bright blue sky. The picnic commenced, but in my nervous state upon leaving the house, and having only just finished off my 'gift' for the picnic swap, I completely forgot to take my lunch with me! It didn't really matter though as I had just had a large breakfast, and luckily I sat next to Ali, who had a HUGE tub of popcorn with her which she very kindly let me share. Thank you Ali! Actually, I love popcorn and now have the urge to make some.
After the picnic, we did the easter egg swap for the kids - there were many pictures taken of the ensuing chocolate mountain which i'm sure was nearly as big as Everest, and then we did the "grown up's" craft swap which was LOTS of fun! I received a lovely quilted "origami" style bag from Penny, and I gave a pedicure set with 2 bars of my chocolate soap to Kate who's children told me that this was a good gift as she has a "thing" for soap. Hurrah!! There was much curiosity over 'Mr Billy Millet' who was created by the lovely Kitty, and passed on to Ali, Lucy Locket's "Bossy Big Sister", who in turn swapped some delicious looking preserves. Other items in the swap were: a lovely Little Cotton Rabbit egg cosy from Julie, some gorgeous little knitted pets from Eve including a particularly delightful chicken, peg poetry from Ali ... and i'm afraid I lost track after that so you will have to head over to Trash, and Jane's to find out what my 'blankety blanks" are...
It was a lovely lovely day, something i've never done before, and which I would love to do again! It was wonderful to meet everyone who was there, and i've found some new blogfriends too! Thank you Lucy for arranging it all. Hope you all had and have a safe trip home!
ps: I have no photo's!
pps: I'm STARVING!!
ppps: I hope I didn't miss anybody out!
I was very nervous at the thought of suddenly arriving at the designated meeting point (at Millets Farm Centre near Abingdon), and introducing myself but on the way from the carpark, I bumped into one familiar looking lady ... there was a bit of squinting and "do I know you?" type of looking, and then the moment of "ahhhhhh yes! I know who you are!" It was Moogsmum! Soon afterwards, everyone was assembled and we found a nice patch of grass near the play area, opposite the animals and directly beneath the blazing sun and bright blue sky. The picnic commenced, but in my nervous state upon leaving the house, and having only just finished off my 'gift' for the picnic swap, I completely forgot to take my lunch with me! It didn't really matter though as I had just had a large breakfast, and luckily I sat next to Ali, who had a HUGE tub of popcorn with her which she very kindly let me share. Thank you Ali! Actually, I love popcorn and now have the urge to make some.
After the picnic, we did the easter egg swap for the kids - there were many pictures taken of the ensuing chocolate mountain which i'm sure was nearly as big as Everest, and then we did the "grown up's" craft swap which was LOTS of fun! I received a lovely quilted "origami" style bag from Penny, and I gave a pedicure set with 2 bars of my chocolate soap to Kate who's children told me that this was a good gift as she has a "thing" for soap. Hurrah!! There was much curiosity over 'Mr Billy Millet' who was created by the lovely Kitty, and passed on to Ali, Lucy Locket's "Bossy Big Sister", who in turn swapped some delicious looking preserves. Other items in the swap were: a lovely Little Cotton Rabbit egg cosy from Julie, some gorgeous little knitted pets from Eve including a particularly delightful chicken, peg poetry from Ali ... and i'm afraid I lost track after that so you will have to head over to Trash, and Jane's to find out what my 'blankety blanks" are...
It was a lovely lovely day, something i've never done before, and which I would love to do again! It was wonderful to meet everyone who was there, and i've found some new blogfriends too! Thank you Lucy for arranging it all. Hope you all had and have a safe trip home!
ps: I have no photo's!
pps: I'm STARVING!!
ppps: I hope I didn't miss anybody out!
Now I feel really sad at missing all the fun. It sounds like you've all had a wonderful day.
Oh it sounds wonderful Julia. SO sorry we missed it too - MissP2 hasn't been well. Can't wait to see some pics over at the other blogs. The pressies sound fabulous too.
Emma x
It was lovely to meet you Julia ... I knew we'd get on :-D My daughter thinks you're so cool (you wore skinnies and converse boots). Tsk - if I'd worn skinnies and converse boots she'd have had a fit, but you ... it's ok on you!
I'll blog the picnic in a couple of days.
I feel confident we'll meet again.
Take care, xxx
And it's true - I DO have a thing for soap - I love it. So it was a super thing to get in the draw - thanks again. Great to meet you & everyone - and I'm impressed at your rapid blogging - mine will happen later this evening, but I haven't quite worked up the energy yet after getting stuck in traffic on the M25 for longer than was ideal...
Oh - just noticed - my verification "word" is fashn - how fun is that!
Ah, sounds fabulous - I knew it would be!
It was a really nice day, wasn't it. You're right about the way these people seemed familiar, even though we'd never actually met.
sounds like a fab day xx
You swift blogger! It was lovely to finally meet you today Julia. Now I must go to bed - I'm shattered! Clearly don't get out enough - no stamina.
This all sounds like so much fun, meeting new people and cool egg hunts never fail to make me smile :)
Owwwww, I spent the day hoovering, cleaning and at the garage.....I wanna come tooooooo next time. I am so glad you all had a nice day!
It was a brilliant day! I've just posted my pics and "report"...I can't wait till we can meet again!
Glad you had a gret day - Can't wait to see someones piccies.
Wow that sounds like a fab picnic and loads of fun just meeting like minded people. Glad your son is Ok.
So pleased you had fun and the weather stayed fine for you.
Twiggy x
We had a triffic time and it fabulous to meet you in real life! We definitely need another one, we should nag Locket!
What a great day! But no photos??!! :o( Was hopging for photos! So glad you all had such a lovely day...Wish I didn't live sooo far away and could have been here. :o) Wishing you & your a Happy Easter Weekend--relax and enjoy ((HUGS))
It was such a lovely day wasn't it? I got very sunburnt though!!! So great to meet you at last Julia!
Lucy x
It was so lovely to meet you Julia and I can't believe how great the weather was! We came home sunkissed and tired but talked about our lovely day out the whole way home - that's an hour and a half of talking about our lovely day :-)
Sounds lovely! Must have been so nice to meet so many bloggy friends.
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