It was such fun and something i've wanted to do for an absolute age! I am really excited about it. It took under an hour to make 4 bars worth, was easy peasy, and will take 4 weeks to cure. I am allergic to commercial soap, so this will be a luxury for me. You can find out how to make it, and buy ingredients at The Soap Kitchen. A wonderful online store. You will feel Christmas presents coming on as soon as you look! But remember! it's christmas for OrangUtangs too, so please do try to find a recipie which doesn't use palm oil.
Perhaps it was the herbal Kalms combined with fumes from the lye water going to my head, which gave me inspiration for the Scrap Challenge - FINALLY!! I'll be getting on with that tomorrow.
I've been veering between the horror of remembering my 13th year with such perfect clarity that I could have regressed, despair at the realisation that I sound just like my parents down to the last tight lipped syllable, and relief because at least I will never witness their smug amusment while I relate to them the horrors of modern parenting - there is the thought after all that Grandchildren are really the revenge of Grandparent's.
Maybe its too many combinations or just the hysteria caused by my washing machine flooding the kitchen now that I have a pile of washing as high as the Empire State Building, that I'm feeling a bit spaced out ...
You gotta laugh... else you'll cry!
I'm excited by the look of that soap - and a soap making kit would be a great gift for my MIL!
Oh wow ... I've always wanted to make soap ... off to check out the link now!
Keep calm! It will be ok in the end - a day at a time, and all that malarkey. x
Soap! Soap! We're going to do some more soap felting today. Wish I had handmade soap to use ... maybe we'lll check it out!
Breathe deeply and calm down - you'll get there....
I've not tried soap before. Someone gave me some felted handmade soap once and that was lovely so perhaps I'll be brave and have a peep to see what's involved.
Very nice looking soap. I can't believe you'll have to wait four weeks to use it! Patience is a virtue...
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