Today I felt like a man. I mean that in the 'mechanical' sense. You know how men like to get all grubby tinkering with cars and motorbikes. So.....
Here are my tools

Along with my dirty rag, and my nuts

A rusty piston ..

a wheel

Chrome accessories which need to be polished shiny shiny

And the all important badge ...

... and after
No tinkering would be complete without a manual
And here, in all her glory, is my machine ...

rescued from the shed after nearly 10 years.
(I know, don't hate me for it)
There is still much polishing to do!
That is a beautiful piece of machinery!
Oh wow ... she's wonderful! x
Lovely, I've got two old Singers, I use one of them to do all my sewing, they are soooooo lovely, mine is called Myrtle. What's your called?
Twiggy x
Now that does sound like a fun way to spend your day! Beautiful sewing machine! Lucy x
I agree with Gina. Lovely. Just think of all the items that 'she' has made and all the hands that have used her. If only 'she' could speak. I have a hand singer sewing machine that sits on the table. I made my first ball dress on it!
Hey, at least you held on to her and didn't send her to the dump!
That looks very much like the Singer I grew up with. What a beauty!
so lovely! my sewing machine sits on a singer table, the machine had been thrown away (I know, how could anyone) but we rescued the table, and so now I have a mix of old and new..........
Oh my! What a lovely machine. I must raid my Nana's loft at some point, I think she might have an old Singer tucked away somewhere. I think it was adapted and has a handle now though as the Singer table ended up as my folks garden table ... many a happy hour spent peddling away!
Wow Julia... !!! That's amazing! I love it love it love it!! wish I had one..
ohh lovely! i still have my nana's 1968 singer, its a lovely retro cream color!
i have a man with a dirty rag and rusty nuts most weekends! What great fun having a proper tinker and tarting up your old machine... is she purring yet?
That is beautiful...And she must have a name! My sewing machine's name is Lucy. When you spend so much time sewing, a name comes in handy ;o) Happy Days ((HUGS))
One of my regrets is that I didn't have the foresight to take the singer my mum offered to my years ago. :(
The job is a civilian job with the police, similar line to what I used to do pre-kids.
Oh that's wonderful - can't wait to see what happens when you put some fabric through her!
Oh my, how fantastic! I can't believe you have had such a beautiful machine hidden in the shed!
I have an old singer too, and lots of vintage accessories. Thats what you get from having afamily of dressmakers!
I have one of these! Yours looks so much nicer then mine though. :(
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