Wednesday 1 October 2008

Do Your Own Dirty Work

It is ofcourse compulsory, when sewing something white and crisp, which must be spotless like a wedding cake, to happen upon an extra sharp pin when sewing the pocket, causing a bright red blood spot on your pure white cakemakers apron.

What do you do when you have no time or material to make a new one?

Don't Panik!

You just spit on it. And then get some (white) kitchen towel, and blot.

Spit and blot

Until the blood goes away.

It only works with your own spit

Just like only your own wee works as an antidote to non fatal jelly fish stings.


Mrs Jelly said...

ah-ha! I've pricked my finger's so many times that the tips are so toughened that I don't actually bleed now!
They don't call it blood, sweat and tears for nothing!

Mrs Jelly said...

I just abused an apostrophe in the post above.
I'm off to chastise myself severely....
(see my July blog post called "I'd Rather Carry On Smoking Thanks")

Kitty said...

That's something my mum taught me a long time ago - only the spit of the person who was bleeding, will get rid of the blood from fabric. I was sewing recently and had to spit on the pale pink fabric as a large red spot appeared :-O

It never does it on dark fabric though does it? It's like the iron never spitting pale 'bits' on light fabrics, only black.


Joanne said...

This is the sort of info that the internet was made to share. How bloody marvellous :)

Lesley's Creations said...

I have done this soooooo many times! Didn't know about the spit and blot technique though, I shall be using it in the future. Thanks for lovely comment about my slippers! Love your autumn allotment pic's, they're very inspiring. This seasons has a beautiful rich colour scheme. x

JuliaB said...

just make sure you havent been eating chocolate biscuits or strong coffee before you spit!!! But if you're anything like me, you'll put the kettle on, but never quite get round to making the drink! (wish I could say the same for the choccy) x

Florence Knapp (Flossie Teacakes) said...

I love this post for it's wonderful shock value! The fabric pictured looks pristine - what very fine spit you must have! x

CurlyPops said...

Thanks for the great tip. I prick myself all the time!

Unknown said...

Good to know! Thank you....I do this all the time.


Gina said...

I never knew that before!

Gone to Earth said...

However do you discover these things? I'll have to make a mental note.

Susan said...

Never heard that before. Very interesting and good to know as a new clothes sewer. Thanks.

jennyflowerblue said...

Oh no....just got cofused and wee'd on a blood-spot! Damn you and your useful tips! (sorry to lower the tone.....again!)

ginny said...

i learnt this trick whilst working in the theatre, though i never spat on the fabric but instead would wind some natural coloured cotton thread a few times around my fingers and then chew them in my back teeth for a moment to add a little saliva ... the moistened cotton thread can then be dabbed onto the blood spot to lift out the stain ... don't know who told me but it was also said that if you bled on a costume it would be lucky for the actor or actress. now that doesn't sound lucky does it?!
ginny x

Mrs Moog said...

See...that's why I need to keep really do learn something every day :)


A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

I'll have to remember that - it is surprising how often I have done that - and it is always on white fabric!