Monday 7 April 2008

The Best things in Life

This is a Thank You card I made for my friend Kerry, who this weekend was the hostess with the very mostest, and whose lovely tidy house makes mine feel a bit "disorganised" to say the least - the very least. But Kerry, who I have known since both our husbands joined the fire service 14 years ago, is definitely as nice as pie, and so are all of these other things in my life ..

My other, and definately better half:

Our son, 12, going on 20, mod/punk/skater/shed climber. At the moment he wants to be a car designer when he grows up...

My chickens, even though they have taken early retirement after all ....

My herb patch and greenhouse...

My "woodland" patch .... (early stages!)

And my wonderful home ... definitely my castle, even if the battlements are only made of shadows.


Anonymous said...

Love the card - and know what you mean about Kerrys gorgeous house!!! xx

jennyflowerblue said...

I think it's much more important to have a gorgeous fireman(!) husband than a gorgeous house. Congraulations!