I've been asked to give you a knitting update, so here it is. I will say in advance that I am much better at sewing! Here is a gratuitous shot to start off, of my valentine sewing project for Mr Marmalade who is suffering with back pain. It's a wheat pillow/hot pad.

So, back to the knitting. I bought a very inexpensive ball of red acrylic yarn to practice with, using a stash of needles I bought from ebay last year.
I started off with some plain squares, and then progressed to a stocking stitch, discovering at the same time, the effect of knit one pearl one.
Then I tried a stripey effect, and a waffle effect ...
And then a chequerboard effect
Then I had some gin, and my chequerboard effect went a bit wrong ...
Somehow the knitting turned backwards.
Note to self: Do not drink gin while knitting.
Note to self: Do not drink gin while knitting.
Then finally, after more practice, I nipped out on Saturday to buy a nice ball of cotton yarn, and some new bamboo needles. I love the bamboo needles, they are so light to work with. The cotton yarn is challenging as it has no give. But I ended up with my first complete project. A washcloth... I know .. it looks like part of some ancient garment that Time Team dug out of a trench.
A bit like Colin Firth, eh? ;-)
I admire your knitting adventure - I can knit, but nothing complicated. Only very simple stuff.
I should make one of those needle rolls too ... yes, a definite 'to do'.
He! Just smiling at Kitty's comment about Mr Firth!
I'm very impressed with your knitting and I think the washcloth is great - defintely a touch of the chain mail about it.
Love the effect of gin on the knitting - perhaps it should be called Gordon's stitch!
Well done... love the different patterns.
Well done you - your wash cloth looks great! Mmmm... a wet Colin Firth... naughty Kitty, I've come over all unnecessary!
Oh I say, Colin firth all wet....mmm ....oh where was I ?
Fab knitting, I am very impressed, I don't get on very well with knitting...too many needles, I would probably take an eye out or something, and I hate to think what would happen if i threw gin into the mix!
I will stick to crochet and limit the self damage with one needle!
Well done you see practice does have the desired effect.
I love knitting but haven't done any in years I still half a knitted bunny maybe he would look better wet.
How on earth did you learn all those stitches in such little time?
I'm still stuck on plain stitch after a year.
I think the washcloth turned out quite lovely!
Yay, go you! I'm impressed you've gone beyond garter stitch so quickly - that took me years!
But you do realise you have to knit a scarf, don't you? Every beginning knitter knits a scarf - even Mr DC made a scarf for his action man in the dim and distant past!
Well done you persevering on the knitting front. I love the fact you drink gin when you're knitting :)
Twiggy x
I think you're knitting is looking good and I'm with twiggy...the gin will have you designing your own outfits soon ;)
gin, colin firth and knitting all in one thought, the mind boggles. xx
He he - I love what gin does your knitting!! As for Colin Firth - I agree with Kitty....he also sounds better when he's not singing!
Fantastic squarery! I think with gin you could invent new stitches if you just keep trying.
remind me not to have a mouthful of tea when i read your posts!
washcloths are on my to-do list, but don't ever seem to move up...
You can probably put two little washcloths together and line them with cotton batting and make potholder!
I wish I could knit....
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