Last time I went to the fabric shop, I thought i'd better stock up on red ribbon. I was certain that I must be running low, and these bundles cost a death defying 20p each!!

When I later tidied out my ribbon box, I discovered that I really wasn't low on red ribbon at all.
I have a similar problem with red lipstick!
Can a girl ever have too much red ribbon? ;-) x
When my girls were young with long hair I enjoyed using ribbons on their plaits. Now they are adults I am accused of serious fashion 'abuse'. ;-)
Sigh ... I think all mothers have been accused of this crime.
Can you really have too much red ribbon or lipstick? I don't think so!
Nope I'm pretty sure too much of most things is ok ;)
There is no such thing as too much red, whether it's ribbon or lipstick. Or shoes.
I agree with Taz, the phrase "Too much" does not exist, and for that price its a bargain not to be missed!
I used to have a red trilby hat when I was about 14, flip me that was 23 years ago......oooohhhhh feeling old!
X Alex
ribbon is clearly like fabric, never too much. besides - it's nearly valentines day so you could decorate the whole house with ribbon!
Always useful for parcels if all else fails!
I'm with the others - can't have too much red or ribbon or lippy.
I think you need more. Definitely.
I don't think you have too much just think of the fun you'll have using it all up.
That's hilarious.
LOL! Can never had too many lipsticks or ribbon ;o) ...mmm...Happy Day, Julia ((HUGS))
Nope - you just cannot have too much ribbon of any colour! A wise investment :-)
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