I don't know ... One minute I had the cutest baby ..
I turned round for a second ...
Just one second while he was sleeping ..
And when I looked round again, the baby had dissappeared
And in his place appeared a teenage boy.
He's taller than me by 4 whole inches
And he's eating me out of house and home!
It wasn't really 14 years ago was it?
Oh, I know what you mean! My eldest is almost 27 and my youngest 3!!! How did that ever happen? (actually, I know the answer to that, she hastens to add!) x
My eldest is 27 next month and it doesn't seem possible... I don't feel that old!!!
look at that strapping lad! I'm very aware that my boy will be eating me out of house and home before I know it... in fact he already eats a whole tin of soup on his own. I plan to buy cereal, bread and cheese from the wholesalers!
Ooo he's lovely isn't he. My Baby saw me for 15 minutes after school and is now at next doors house having tea with his little pal !!! Talk about feeling redundant :)
Twiggy x
Happy birthday to Jimmy!
A handsome lad. They improve with age.
My eldest is only 6 and I still wonder where the time has gone - I can't even think about when he'll be a teenager!
I look at my son walk in the door with his guitar strapped to his back. I'm like who is that handsome rock star and what has he done to my child?
If only we could stop time for awhile before they are grown...But think of the life ahead of him and all the new memories...you will be so proud.....
Happy Birthday Jimmy!
Times does indeed go by too fast.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, that boy!
And very handsome he is too. Does he know youve posted that first photo!!!
That is happening to kids all around me! It must be aliens visiting or something.
The time passes so quickly. Hold onto each day with both hands! Happy birthday to your teen.
didnt you know that all boys are abducted by aliens on the eve of their 13th birthday and replaced by look-likes that grunt instead of talk and eat you out of the house and grow so tall that they look down on you... but don't be alarmed... your baby comes back between ages 21 and 28 and then it's really wonderful... I know it's a long wait... but it soon passes... look how quick the last 14 years went!
What a handsome fella he has turned into. He was an adorable little guy, too. It's hard to see them grow up so fast. I know.
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