Mr Marmalade bought me this book last year for a Valentines present. Do you think he knew that it was about knitting?
So after completely losing the will to crochet, despite all your lovely and helpful suggestions and a private lesson from Lorna - thankyou! I thought i'd stop procrastinating and get this book off the shelf and try my hand at knitting instead. I did knitting classes at one of the many schools I went to - it seems amazing that we had dedicated knitting teachers in schools once upon a time! Mine was called Mrs Long, she was very stern indeed and we were all terrified of her but some girls still insisted on being cheeky, and calling her "Mrs Short" under their breath. She always heard as she had radar ears which were particularly tuned into "morse code" (tapping needles on the desk), and these brave girls were always quickly admonished with a few lashings from Mrs Long's razor sharp tongue. Perhaps she was a domiknitrix! Certainly that's what I intend to be one day - when I've read this book.
And so as soon as I got the hang of casting on, the rest came quite easy as I remembered the form from my old schooldays.
I haven't got past squares at the moment, mostly because I need to get some proper yarn and correct sized needles for this pointy hat pattern, which seems to be the easiest in the book...
This hat with horns, is my favourite hat in the book, but it is listed as a more 'advanced' pattern.
I love all the patterns in the book ...
But first - before a post payday splurge on decent needles and yarn, I will get some cotton yarn and knit myself some flannels as described on this blog and this one too. I like the sound of these, and they let you practice your knitting while making something ridiculously simple and useful.
I know there are some other bloggers out there who have recently taken up the needles, and to you, I give these links, which provided no end of help for me..
Learn to Knit in the UK
Learn to
Flannels are a great idea... and that book looks right up your street. I need to get back to the knitting. I've been busy moving furniture though.
Can't wait to see that hat!
Great book. I'm still at the knitting squares and jiffyknits stage!!
Twiggy x
Some fabulous patterns in that book. Good luck with the coat ;)
Wish I could knit! I tried it once... instead of starting simple I went straight for a jumper pattern with diagonal stripes... I don't know what went wrong but when it was finished it was a dress with very very long sleeves that I had thread elastic through!
Flannels..... this post takes me back. I remember endlessly knitting flannels and dishcloths at school with tht thick creamy beige coloured cotton. I could never get a square to be a square. She was a demon - the teacher we had........ she'd peer at you over her glasses....
Keep practicing there are come beautiful yarns out there waiting for you.
I definitely find knitting easier than crochet, even though I'm an absolute rank amateur at it still. Just waiting for winter to hit so I can pick up my needles again.
See everyone is good at things and not so good at others.... I can't knit but I can crochet, revel in the positive and don't worry about the things that are more tricky.... if we could all do everything what a boring old world it would be!
good luck with your knitting, it looks fantastic !
Ooh I love that knitted coat! Good luck with the knitting - it's definately easier to grasp than crochet!
Congrats on your new found skill :)
I trust the hot pants will be featuring here soon! Will go through the stack of books if you like and see if there are any knitting books in there. I also have a couple of sewing patterns which I think are quite 'you' if you'd like them.
I want that coat! Not so sure about the mohawk hat on the link tho...
That is such a super book--I just love the title alone, but great, fun patterns too. So glad you're giving knitting a go. Knit flannels and reusable knit cosmetic pads are very nice--and make sweet gifts. Have fun! Wishing you & yours the Happiest Valentine's weekend! May it be rosy with love & fun. Hubby & I tend to celebrate quietly too. And as it is soooo cold here, we're not venturing out--LOL! We'll make a special dinner, a little wine, a film...After a busy week time together is a great gift. :o) ((HUGS))
mmmmmmmmmm i love knitting! my mum taught me to knit when i was about 6 and although i have never really progressed to anyhting complex~other things interupt my flow;cross stich, jewellry making, a history degree!~ love to knit to this day~with bamboo needles i hate metal ones!
my last project were cute ipod and mobile phone 'jumpers'!
good luck lovely!
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